
Friday 15 December 2017

Letter From The Elf

Dear Santa,
It is Pompom Peppersnaps all of the other elf like Kylie Candy Cane HAVE NOT been working all year and I got a bo bo and you didn’t care and I couldn’t move my hand for 18 weeks and you shold give me breaks

From your very angry elf,

Pompom Peppersnap

Wednesday 29 November 2017

I Love Respect

WALT show rspect in different situations

our school has 4 values. the final value is respect and every moday we put a new slide on enjoy

Tuesday 14 November 2017


Walt write a poem about our fav animal


I like them

Ask me why

Because they are cute

Because their paws help them dig

Because they are playing around

Because they soft so when you are angry pat them

Because their funny

Because their cuddies make you warm inside

Because they are easy to train


That’s why I like puppies

walt write about our fav animals

I like them

Ask me why

Because they are cute

Because their paws help them dig

Because they are playing around

Because they soft so when you are angry pat them

Because their funny

Because their cuddies make you warm inside

Because they are easy to train


That’s why I like puppies

Monday 30 October 2017

Uru Mānuka Logo

WALT create a logo for the uru mānuka cluster

Mark told us about uru mānuka helps the other little plants grow 
i choose this design because i am under the tree and it helping me grow bigger