
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Market Day (Reflection)

We had Market Day

 last week we had market day and it was very fun and we made $215 and we had to take away $125 this is because we that is how much we had to pay for ingredients  we this money we are going to be having a fun day and decided to watch a movie and eat food we also won the kiwi can prize we also get that as well. we had 5 stand going up and that was lolly jar and throwing wet sponges and pie face, waffles and spiders this went from 2pm to 4 and we had fun
These are some photos 

Were you their? 

The Big Jump

In Danny we were reading the big Jump, The Big Jump is a fiction story about a boy called big daddy that is scared of jumping off a flying fox in camp and the is a boy named Tim behind him says Why don't we jump together and thy go together but then big daddy elbow went right into Tim's back and Tim could not breathe and then big daddy said Tim was scared not him, and Tim just agreed with him because he could not talk because he was so hurt and could not breathe.

The task today was to Create a scary flying fox, and I did it on paper and this is it

will you ride on this flying fox?

Monday, 9 December 2019

Come Join The Summer Learning Journey

Come join the summer learning journey we made posters about the summer learning journey and how it helps people through the holidays.
And I made this 

come and do the summer learning journey 

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Pie Face Game Market Day

This Friday our school is having a Market day this is a place from 2-4pm  ever class is doing it from 1-8  some of our class rooms Ideas were spiders, water activity, Pie face, briskets and lolly in a jar. I was working on pie face, first we had to make a brain Storm with your group I was with Jorja, Zipporah and Kylie  and then we had to make our own one.
So This Is What I Did:

look on my groups blogs 
And come to market day 

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

SLJ Teaser Week

It is the teader week and we had to make a profile picture of someone I choose Lorde and I made a poster about her. This is it:

I got the pictures from Google 

I promise

W.A.L.T ( we are learning to) recall how Mary heard the word of god and acted on it.
our task was to think of something so we would be a disciple of Christ and do it for Christmas and some people did it on canva and some people put it on a google drawing, I put it on canva.
this is my:

what are you going to do to help? 

Ewes for Me

in the group Danny we read and non fiction text called ewes for me it is about a boy with a problem that make him can't swallow and then he can only drink sheep milk. this weeks task was to make an easier way to milk the sheep and I made it on my device
This is my:

have you ever tried sheep milk

Christmas Poems

Christmas is finally here so I thought I should do poems about Christmas, so I  did 5 acoustic poems about Christmas, they were Christmas, Santa, Presents, Snow and mistletoe. this was very fun to do because there were so many words you could choose from, the hard bit was to find words that made sense with other things you put.
these are my poems:

Christmas is Jesus’ birthday 
Happy children get presents 
Red and green our the Christmas colours
In America it is snowy 
So many people celebrate Christmas 
Tiny elves help Santa 
Merry Christmas is a saying that people say 
A time you spend with family 
Santa colours are red and white 


Santa comes at Christmas time 
A kid sits on Santa lap when they tell him what he wants 
Nick is his real name 
Tiredly making presents 
A guy that used to be a normal person but now is Santa

People really want presents 
Really bad kids get nothing
Every Christmas everyone get something 
Some people get really big ones
Elves helping to make the presents 
No one can be bad our they won’t get presents 
There are tall presents and small presents 
Some people want small presents 


Snow falls but also snowflakes fall  
No sun when there is snow 
Only if you have warm clothes you can go out 
When it is snowing it is a winter wonderland 

Mistletoe is up high 
It is in people's home 
Stand and kiss someone under it 
Talking to people under the mistletoe 
Love is what they are 
Everyone has a mistletoe 
The mistletoe is in people's door 
Open door so the mistletoe could stay up
Every person doesn’t want to be kissed under the mistletoe  

I think I will do more so stay updated
what is you favourite  part of Christmas

Friday, 29 November 2019

Hansel and Gretel With A Twist

Room 4,5 and 6 got to go to the ballet, we only got to watch the second half because if we did both the 1st and 2nd half it would be to long. but after we watch the ballet we went back school and we thought of putting our own twist of Hansel and Gretel we could do it in any style I choose narrative and we had about a week to do this and my one is about the witch getting revenge on the dad and the step mum.
An this is my twist of Hansel and Gretel

It was dinner time and a family of 4 were eating bread this family was in a forest but they ate bread because they were poor Hansel and Gretel wanted to eat all the bread but when they went to bed their mum and dad made a plan. “They are eating all our food what are we going to do, we need to get rid of them” said their dad “We should sell them for money” their mum said “But how will by them they are 2 skinny little kids” But little did their parents know that they were listening and they heard everything but they couldn’t do anything because they were just kids. They went to there room and were scared to go to sleep because they thought would get them in their sleep and they were right when they tried to go to bed their parents picked them up and sent them to an old lady who wanted them, but that was a bad idea. “How much do I need to pay you” the old woman said “$100 each” the mum said happily So the old lady pulled out $500 and gave it to them and left and when she left her helpers were holding the kids. When Hansel and Gretel woke up they were in a big house “Wait Hansel where are we” said Gretel well crying “Yeah, Wow I haven’t seen a house this big in my life” said Hansel The witch came in the room and then fog went around her and her skin became green “AH” they scream “You will stay here forever” said the witch “are you guys hungry” “Yeah we are so hungry” said Hansel “Then here you go, you can eat all of this’’ The helpers came in with a lot of food that was shaking well they were carrying it, but Gretel had a bad feeling about it so she didn’t eat much but Hansel ate a lot,then the witch brought all different types of cakes and Hansel ate all of them. “Hansel if you eat too much you will get sick and fat” Gretel said “No it will be fine,” said the witch Keep eating she said “Hansel STOP EATING” said Gretel “No Hansel I’m your mother and I no what’s best for you” said the Witch “Wait your our mother” they said “Yeah“ said the witch with a tear running down to her face “Wait but dad said that you died well you guys were swimming with sharks” “No it is because when he came home I was stealing money from him so he kicked me out of the house” “But you have been alone with that awful step-mother that yells at you father” Hansel and Gretel were thinking to ask her if she has a partner and if she does who are they “Do you have any kids” “Yes I have 1 kids and 3 grandchildren” “Wait does that mean that I am Aunt and Gretel’s an Uncle said Hansel happily “Yeah are you excited” “NO” said Gretel angrily “YES” said Hansel jumping up and down Hansel was so excited but Gretel was sad because he thought he was old, but the witch was thinking of a plan to get back at the dad and the new wife and she knew that the kids would help her. “Guys I need help I want to get your dad and his new wife back for leaving me without you, can you please help” “Yeah of course we don’t like our step mom she is mean and doesn’t let us have much food and she only focus on dad and when dad was out she was talking with another man” “Wow, I didn't know she was that bad” the witch said with shock “Why didn’t you run away” ‘’We were scared we were going to get caught” they said ‘’Well are you excited for revenge” the witch said with a grin There plan was to break in to the house when dad wasn’t home and show him and record the man and the step -mother talking and then dad and step mom will breakup and then the kids can live with him again and maybe the mum so when dad was not home the kids and mum went to the house and saw the step mom talking with this guy and then they started recording them but the mum saw and then they started running away “We got the footage” said the witch laughing “We get our real mum back” said Hansel Now all they need to do is show the dad and step-mother would go and the kids would go back to him. After a couple of days they came back and then the step-mum was kicked out of the house and the witch got to stay in the house and they lived happily ever after.

have you watch  Hansel and Gretel?

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Heather The Weather Girl Week 7 Term 4

In the group Danny we were reading a text called Heather the weather girl it is a fiction story about a girl called Heather and she got hit by lighting and when she did she became a new person she could tell what the weather was for the next month so she was the next weather girl. Our task was to design a head gear that would protect you from a Storm, I did it on my device
This is my:

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Why isn't the World Poo

Why isn't the world poo is a text about how dung beetles have saved the world from becoming poo.

Everyone in the class (not just groups) read a text about dung beetles some stuff in it was they can grow up to 2-3 cm long and they are everywhere in the world expect Antarctica but we had to choose 3 tasks from the task page and here is what I had to do.

for this one we had to tell facts about dung beetles and to list them all and that is what I did

This is the second task.

for this task we had to find out what some words were and there was plentiful plain herds and then you had to make a picture with all of those things and that is what I did

And this was my third task

my last task was to show how they carry the poo and make a picture of it and that is what I did

Have you ever seen a dung beetle

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Turbo Lend a ear week 5 term 4

In reading we were unpacking a non fiction story called Turbo lends a ear this was about a family that was all deaf and they needed a dog. They got a dog it's name was Turbo it helped it inside of the house for example if there was  knock on the door they would not be able to hear it. But anyway  this week's task was to make a new creature or another animal that could help this disability so I made a cog that is a dog and a cat I choose this because they have a good sense of smell for example if the stove was burning they would know that and warn them about it  and have are good at hearing things so they could hear a knock on a door.
And this is what I came up with:

I really liked putting the information on the paper
I thought it was hard to make the drawing
what animal would you make?

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Sniffer dog Tm4 Wk4

we are reading a nonfiction text this week and it is about sniffer dogs and we learnt about how this dog called Isaak who is 3 years old and loves to work and he finds fruits and vegetables, plant and plants material, meat ,live birds, eggs and reptiles 

We had to make a machines that would help Isaak do his Job:

my favourite part was to make the machine 

my less favourite bit was explaining how I did it 

Friday, 25 October 2019

My Culture New Zealand

In IL we are Learning about Taonga and our culture and family tradition  so we had to make a DLO that is a digital learning object and we had to put a family tradition and and our national anthem I did it about New Zealand( because I am from their). 

This is my:

My favourite thing about this was was putting the family tradition 
I thought it was quite hard to put information about the national flower because the was a lot of stuff about 

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Term 4 week 2 Vanila Ice Cream Please

It is week two and our story is about how to make vanilla ice cream and it told us where they make and how they make it, I made this on a mindmup, mindmup is where you can put all your information in things and if you want more information you just click a box and you have one more box.
this is my mindmup:

my favourite part was finding all the information in the book

my least favourite part was to put all the information that I found in too the mindmup

what is your favourite ice cream flavor?

Monday, 21 October 2019

The Experiment

 In Term 3 we were doing experiments to show to our family, Fria, Twenny and I choose to do the volcano and we made it a traffic lights theme  the volcano one is where you add baking soda, vinegar, dish washing liquid, and food colouring a bottle/cup. 
we also were doing this because we had a thing we call celebration of learning this is were all the classrooms show their work to others classes or their family 

we also had practise test and it didn't go well it looked really gross and didn't fizz up as much as other times 

the second try was way better and it fizzed up way more and it did not look gross and it looked like a traffic light more then the first one 

on the day of the celebration we had lots of people coming in and trying it out this is experiment 

this is our slide show

I really liked asking the slide show and sharing it with people
I found it hard to make everything good so we could show it

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Taonga poster

In IL we are learning about Taonga, Taonga means it is a priced and anything to you. our that you care about so if someone make fun about that thing  it hurts your feeling  and what I put was netball my country, friend, family, the silver fern, a cross (religion. I put this all in a poster.

This is my:

I found it hard to put all of these thing all in a google drawing

I found it easy to put think of the things I put

what is your Taonga?

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Return Ticket Please

it is week one and it is a non fiction text, this story is about mars and what the space is like and space company's plan, the task was to make a information web about what we learnt mindmup, a mindmup is site were you put information and you have a title and then have examples after.
this is mine mindmup: 

my favourite part of doing this was reading the story and learning all these facts about space because I didn't know much

it was hard to put all the information on the mindmup

Thursday, 26 September 2019

What Is At The Bottom Of The Sea?

In the group Danny we were reading a book called What is at the bottom of the sea it is a non fiction story and it talks about the bottom of the sea and what lives down there, it was really fun making this post and I thought the text was very detail so it was easier to do the graph and this it my graph:

I found it easy to get the information  and I found it hard to  put all the information in to the slides
Do you like the bottom of the sea now?

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Where are my ballet shoes

The task in writing was Mrs Lee paired us with Groups of 3-4  and to make a story with a setting character and problem I was paired with Tweeny and Mark, our setting was a lake, our character was a giant and our problem was his ballet shoes and each of us had to make a story at of that and we made a slide show for the different parts and here is my:


my favourite bit about this was being paired with them and hearing how different their ideas were than my
but it was hard because we all wanted the put our own ideas but I liked working with them

do you like this story?

What Causes The Tides

In the group Danny we were reading a text about tides and what causes them. sometimes our groups don't get non fiction story so in the class site there was a video that we could watch to explain it all so we get it instead of a mindmup I did a pikochart that is where you could put a lot of information into different slides. Here is my:

I really enjoyed making the pikochart and blogging about it.

I found it hard to put all the infomation in the pikochart.
Do you know more about tides now?

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Deep In The Forest

Deep in the Forest is a fictional story about a boy called Leith and his friends go in the forest and play games they like playing little battles and they had a friend group of 12 but now the have 3 and then his friends and him slit up because of the imaginary wolves  tried to chase them but then Leith actually got lost but then his cat found him:

This week our teacher Mrs Lee said we are not going to be having a shared slide show and and we are going to just put it on our blog and our group can comment on our blog and I create a mindmup  and this is my:

My favourite part was the outcome I liked it because the cat found him and because the last bit of the book hooked you in it said it can lead  home but we don't now if he did go home

It was hard doing  the action because there was a lot of action
do you like the outdoors?

Friday, 30 August 2019

Staying Home Shared Slideshow

Their are 5 people in my group, our group is Danny we were reading a fiction book called Staying Home, it is a story about a girl named Greta who got bullied by girls because of her hair cut and a boy who kept on stealing her stuff but then gave it back a day later.  and we had to make a mindmup to explain the story and the is my:
( the first one is a example)
and their are the other peoples work

2 people had to comment on the post and give feedback Kylie said "Hi Ella, I really like how you added a lot of information for each and every idea so then the reader can understand what your talking about. Next time I think you should work on the feelings and add like which person felt that way. But over all it was really good."  and the other person was Manuk he said "Hi Ella,
I like how you added explanations to all the topic's and all of them are really specific and maybe next time you could just add more info on all the topics. Do you have any feed back for me?  what was your favourite mindmup?

Friday, 2 August 2019

Praying with the Psalms

Our class has been making psalms, Mrs Lee (our teacher) made a slideshow with psalms and we had to pick a verse for everyday of the week and Mrs Lee would ask us to share what we said. we have been doing this for 2 weeks now and I like doing it. what verse do you like?

here is my:

sorry unfinished

Monday, 22 July 2019

Llama Drama

we were working in class and our teacher Mrs Lee wanted us to make Llama so we started making them and they slowly started working, then we made a story for our Llama some of them were about them coming to life and some about them running away from the owner and my was about it running away and this is it:

I can see finally, wait I can’t hear anything and I can’t smell anything either, “
Hi I’m Lucy the Llama, let me tell you a little bit about myself”,
my fur is a dark grey and it is softer than a cloud and I love going to birthday parties,
  and I have very big ears. “Wow it is hard being a Llama because you just sit here”,
wait now I can hear and I can also smell yay. 

“Wait can I move yes I can, maybe I can Escape”.
Maybe if I keep on moving I will burst out of the picture come on keep moving Lucy, POP wow
I’m out how did this happen,
“Why am I so big I hear someone this is terrible quick I need to hide run run run”.
Where am I now, why is there a big circle in the sky ohh maybe it is a sun.

Ok now I don’t know what to do I go back into the picture and just be bored or do
I look around the place …
I'll keep looking around, “wow, why hasn’t anyone done this before it is amazing”.
Oh my gosh is that ice cream I have heard about it before and people say it sounds yum.
Wow Look a door that has an ice cream symbol is open Oh this one sounds terrific ohh what
about this one:
wait what that loud beeping sound in my head wait that not in my head I think I just stole ice cream 

Maybe I just stole from a cheap one like $2.00 or $3.00 let me go check they are $41
wow are those police cars they are coming my way run wait is that a scooter goooo.
I hear the cop cars quick no please don’t stop me, please pull over I heard one say,
“no never” and then I went faster the cops went faster,
the cops were still after me but then they stopped chasing me, “what were did they go’’.

Eww who is that ulgy person at less she not my creator,
why is she chasing me “come back into the picture know” the person said,
wait I think that is my creator but I don’t want to go back in the picture RUN LUCY RUN!!!!!!!!

“Come back here Llama the girl said’’ no you will never stop me
wait now why is she gone why does everyone disappearing out of nowhere, I am tired I’m going to bed. 

The next day I was in a room “
where am I” a random person came out of the dark.
‘’ you are in jail How, why, who did it, what  who are you,
Mac the moose why are you jail ‘I think I stole $41 ice cream but that what l think’’ what did do
‘’ohh’’ he said ‘’I was hipyomised by a bad person
I think his name is sinner of the screen so I stole the Queen Lion necklace’’.
Ohh did the sinner  of the screen get caught
no he said.

would you draw a picture of a Llama?

Friday, 5 July 2019

The 7 star of Matariki

We were in the libary reading the 6 kites of Matariki and that gave our teacher Mrs Lee an Idea, that was to find stuff about Matariki and to put it in to a slideshow and it took us about a day or 2 to do this but I finally did it.
I enjoyed making the smybols and I found it a bit hard to find some information.

Do you celebrate Matariki?

Monday, 1 July 2019

In room 5 we had the choice to pick a topic for our writing the choices were our favourite animal or personal hygiene, I choose our favourtie animal because I want to tell facts about it.
so here is my writing

My favourite animal is a panda because they have a nice big face  and I like their fur. I like their fur because it can camouflage into stuff like snow because part of their body is white and they can camouflage into the darkness because some of their body is black. I like their face because their jaws is powerful that’s why they can eat the bamboo and that is how they eat fruit too. That is why pandas are my favourite animal.

What is your favourite animal?

Monday, 1 April 2019


In room 5 we were alway using the same there in our writing so we did a follow up of the theres then we had to make a poster of the meaning of the different theres and this is my:


They were right ______ I saw

_______ my pencil

I think _____ happy now

_______ are going somewhere


Monday, 25 February 2019

All About Me

W.A.L.T make a google drawing to start the year off we hade to inculde what is our favourite animal, favourite food, and what country you would to.
have you ever been to the country that I want to go. I  think I could have been better on my beach. But I'm proud of my dog 

Friday, 22 February 2019

all about me 2019

In class we were making a all about me posters you hade to add your favourtie food favourite aniaml and country you would go to and this is my.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Forming an opinion 2019

In our reading group we were reading a book about cross-country and we did a follow up why we should and shouldn't do cross-country.

what do you guys think.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

my phobia 2019

In room 4 we have been looking at phobia's and you had to make a google drawing about a phobia and it could be real or fake I did a fear of toes.