Christmas is finally here so I thought I should do poems about Christmas, so I did 5 acoustic poems about Christmas, they were Christmas, Santa, Presents, Snow and mistletoe. this was very fun to do because there were so many words you could choose from, the hard bit was to find words that made sense with other things you put.
these are my poems:
Christmas is Jesus’ birthday
Happy children get presents
Red and green our the Christmas colours
In America it is snowy
So many people celebrate Christmas
Tiny elves help Santa
Merry Christmas is a saying that people say
A time you spend with family
Santa colours are red and white
Santa comes at Christmas time
A kid sits on Santa lap when they tell him what he wants
Nick is his real name
Tiredly making presents
A guy that used to be a normal person but now is Santa
People really want presents
Really bad kids get nothing
Every Christmas everyone get something
Some people get really big ones
Elves helping to make the presents
No one can be bad our they won’t get presents
There are tall presents and small presents
Some people want small presents
Snow falls but also snowflakes fall
No sun when there is snow
Only if you have warm clothes you can go out
When it is snowing it is a winter wonderland
Mistletoe is up high
It is in people's home
Stand and kiss someone under it
Talking to people under the mistletoe
Love is what they are
Everyone has a mistletoe
The mistletoe is in people's door
Open door so the mistletoe could stay up
Every person doesn’t want to be kissed under the mistletoe
I think I will do more so stay updated
what is you favourite part of Christmas